CD Jewish Love Songs (2010)
“No amount of water can extinguish love”
What is the origin of life, of love? What is it that unites men and women?
Why do we need each other?
The project Jewish Love songs, composed by Lana Sokolov, produced and participated by NYC's finest musicians,
and inspired by the biblical love story of King Salomon in the book “song of songs” unravels the Jewish poetic gems
dealing with these intangible questions.
“It was a seventeen years Journey to discover myself and my inner expression through Jewish Love Songs…
I was born in the Soviet Union at the time of the communist regime. When I was 15, I read the beautiful story "Shulamit" by Nicolay Kuprin.
A sentence out of "Song of Songs" in the preface captured me: "No amount of water can extinguish love".
It was taken from the Biblical love story about King Solomon and Shulamit.
When I was twenty-three after the Murder of my beloved husband Fausto in the Soviet Union and the birth of my daughter Faustina,
I have decided to leave there and start a new life in Israel as an artist, a woman, and a mother…
.One day, out of a spontaneous thought, I signed up for the study of Jewish texts in Alma College (Tel-Aviv).
At the time, it wasn't clear to me what I'm searching for there. I was reading in the Cabalist ‘Sefer ha-Zohar’ and the Hebrew letters magically captured me and revitalized my former musical vision. The circle was closed…very soon the ideas became musical creations in NY with the collaboration of wonderful musicians that have been gracing my compositions with their playing and production.